I am not a religious man, that much has been a constant fact in my life for the past fifteen years. Until I found God…
When I wake up and look at you lying next to me, I know I have found God.
When I gaze into your beautiful green eyes in the morning, I know I have found God.
When you reach over and touch my face, and run your fingers across my chest, I know I have found God.
I look at your body; your perfectly sculpted muscles, the fur covering your chest, your muscular legs, and your muscular back, and I know I have found God.
I listen to you speak, and say “good morning baby”, and I know I am the luckiest man in the world to wake up next to you. It is a gift from God!
I look back at where my life has been before I met you, and I know that it was all a journey designed by God to find you. I think of this child in his school uniform, sitting in a hot classroom on the edge of the pyramids, feeling lost, like he does not belong, and I know my life was destined to be different.
I think of my summer vacations watching American movies on TV, and practicing my English, while the rest of the neighborhood kids rode their bicycles outside, and I know that it was all practice for a greater purpose.
I remember my journey here as a teenager, away from my family, on my first foray into independence; and I know that it was the first step in the quest to find you.
I recall the struggles I faced as a young adult, finding my way in the world, learning to speak my mind, and discovering my inner voice. It was all part of a greater plan…a grand design!
It was through the depth of the darkness of my toughest hours, when I resigned to end my life, that I heard your voice…a hint from God to stay strong, and continue on my journey.
I’ve been living my life, the “American Dream” for the past ten years, getting swept away in this arduous existence, and forgetting my purpose. God had forgotten about me, it seemed. Or, perhaps He was just testing me to see if I was strong enough, and worthy enough for you.
I questioned my existence several times in the past years. My parents always said that I should strive to make a difference in the world; that I was special, and should not settle for an ordinary life. They believed that a person’s life is measured by his accomplishments and the impact he makes in the world. I questioned my worth, and my purpose in the wake of these beliefs, and struggled to hold on to the knowledge that God had a higher purpose for me.
I almost gave up over and over, and over again. Yet, every time I looked at myself in the mirror, I knew that I was being sustained by a higher power for a reason. I had no idea what that reason was, or how long my journey was going to be.
Until I finally met you…
I look at you and I know that God exists, and that my whole life has been a journey. I was set on a path that began at birth to find you. This adventure called life was nothing but a road map leading to this moment in time when our souls unite.
You have reignited my belief in God. Your physical beauty is a testament to the existence of a higher power. Your magnificent soul is proof that the creator exists, and is a part of you. When you sing, your voice pulls at my heart strings, and I believe with all my being in the divine.
When I look at you, I am filled with incredible joy. When I gaze into your eyes, I am filled with astounding beauty. When you hold me in your arms, my soul is filled with love.
Indeed, you do exist, and I am lucky to have you in my life.
I worship you!!